Treasures of IWS: Greg Wilde

Dr. Greg Wilde

Dr. Wilde has taught MWS 502, “History of Christian Worship” since the M.W.S. program began in 2002. He is an alumnus of the Epsilon Class.

“It is truly a delight to be part of a work of the Holy Spirit that is transforming not only the lives of a few individuals, but God’s church as well. In my 13 years of coming to IWS, and my ten years of teaching here, I continue to be energized by my time with faculty and students from countless different Christian traditions—worshiping together, watching the learning process first-hand, being a part of peoples’ “aha moments,” seeing students’ minds and hearts opening to a deeper understanding of what God is doing in the world, and what God wants to do in the world.

Robert Webber was able uniquely to bring people together to catch fire and catch the vision of Christ. His vision of worship renewal was grounded not in programs, gimmicks or methods, but rather in what God makes possible through changed lives. Bob’s vision—the vision of Jesus Christ as he prayed for the unity of his church—the vision of the Spirit of Unity, himself—was that vital, continually renewed, transforming worship that actually does the work of Jesus Christ would flow from, and continue to reconcile, the one church that is alive through all time, and at work all around the world. At the Institute for Worship Studies many churches again become one Church, and that one Church is freed to receive mercy from on high, to lift one pair of holy hands, to be touched, turned, fed and sent out to walk in love as Christ loves us.”

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