One Day Left to Give to IWS

IWS 16th Anniversary Logo

Last Day to Give in This Fiscal Year!
IWS students need YOU!

Hands lifted in praise at Commencement 2015
June 2015 Commencement
There is only one day left to make your gift to IWS count for this fiscal year! Please invest today in the lives of our exceptional students and alumni, making this ministry of worship renewal affordable and accessible. If you’ve been meaning to make a gift in honor of our 16th anniversary, now’s the time.


God has blessed IWS tremendously through your generosity - but why stop here? Every dollar you invest will be used to advance the mission of IWS around the globe. In addition to donations, we could use your help spreading the word about IWS.

We really can’t say it enough, so we’ll say it again here. Thank you! We are blessed with great supporters, and to a large extent it’s because of you that we continue to see God’s Kingdom advance in and through IWS.[/half]



God has blessed IWS tremendously through your generosity – but why stop here? Every dollar you invest will be used to advance the mission of IWS around the globe. In addition to donations, we could use your help spreading the word about IWS.


