[Conference] The Ins, Outs and Art of Worship

Join us for inspiring and informative sessions on the ministry of worship. Main sessions will include modeling a variety of worship styles (traditional, contemporary, ancient), the use of media, great teaching and time for reflection.

Workshop topics include:

  • Using Technology to Our Advantage
  • Employing Media Properly
  • Designing Worship Services
  • Building a Praise Team
  • Theology of Worship
  • Contemporary Worship in a Sacramental & Liturgical Frame

Worship tells and acts out the Christ- event. In this sense, the order of worship comes from above, and not from below. Worship is patterned after God who revealed and God who become incarnate. Therefore, the twofold focus of worship is the Word (the Bible as the symbol of God speaking) and the Table (bread and wine as the symbol of God acting to save us). —Robert E. Webber


