A lot of information from our June 2013 Intensive Session have been posted on the website in the last month and we want to make sure nobody missed any of them.
- Gallery of the June 2013 Intensive Session
- Photos from Worship in a Karaoke Culture, the June 2013 Worship Seminar with Dr. Len Sweet
- Galleries of the June 2013 Graduates
- Audio of June 2013 Addresses Including:
- Presidential Address: Dr. James R. Hart, IWS President
- Opening Convocation Sermon: Dr. Vaughn CroweTipton, IWS Professor
- Commencement Sermon: Rt. Rev. Dr. John W. Howe, Retired Bishop of Central Florida
- Healing & Communion Practicum Sermon: Rev. Lou Kaloger, IWS Student
- June 2013 Chapel Recordings
- Audio from Worship in a Karaoke Culture, the June 2013 Worship Seminar with Dr. Len Sweet
- Dr. Len Sweet’s comments about his IWS visit
- Bulletins from the June 2013 worship services (Opening Convocation, Commencement, and the DWS 704 Healing and Communion Practicum)