John Witvliet Seminar Reflections

JWitvliet01-14“I find students and seminar participants at IWS to be so willing and eager to learn about every facet of worship ministry—theological, historical, sociological, and psychological—in both theoretical and practical ways.” (John Witvliet, January 2014).

The January 2014 event was the second time John Witvliet was the guest lecturer for an IWS worship seminar. In 2010 he presented the seminar, “The Beauty and Glory of the Triune God: Grounding Worship in the Doctrine of God.” Back by popular demand, his two-day seminar, Ever and Always a Teacher: Worship Ministry, Christian Formation, and Everyday Discipleship, was enthusiastically received by the over 50 people who attended the event.

Here are a few quotes from seminar attendees:

John Witvliet is a gifted presenter. His teaching was both accessible and stretching.

Excellent! The speaker navigated the ecumenical nature of the audience very skillfully and inspired trust from everyone.

Killer content. John’s generosity and openness to the interaction and feedback of attendees was admirable and beneficial.

Absolutely wonderful! A great blend of theology, theory, practical examples and application.

This seminar was as good as it gets. It surpassed all expectations!

Dr. Witvliet spoke very positively of his time on campus and his assessment of our students and alumni. He said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the learning community at IWS.  I find it to be a place of great concern for the flourishing of the church, a deep desire to learn and grow, and a counter-cultural passion for learning from and about worship practices in a variety of times and places and denominational contexts.”

Audio files of the seminar sessions are available to download or listen to online.

Our next Worship Seminar will be held June 16-17, 2014 with Dr. C. Michael Hawn: You Are What You Sing—Faith Formation through Congregational Song. Register now! This June marks the tenth anniversary of our 2004 graduating class. A reunion is being planned in conjunction with the seminar event.

Click on the pictures below to see the full version. To see more pictures from the seminar, open the January 2014 Worship Seminar Gallery.

About the author

Alumni Director, Practicum Professor, and DWS graduate.

