John Witvliet: Strategies for Teaching About Worship

JohnWitvliet01-14Listen to part one from Session 7 of the seminar, “Ever and Always a Teacher: Worship Ministry, Christian Formation, and Everyday Discipleship” by John Witvliet, held January 13-14, 2014 at IWS.

Use the embedded player to listen on this page, or right-click on the track title to download and save it for later.

Session 7A: Strategies for Teaching about Worship (14:47)

John Witvliet reflects on the January 2014 seminar experience at IWS:

“I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the learning community at IWS.  I find it to be a place of great concern for the flourishing of the church, a deep desire to learn and grow, and a counter-cultural passion for learning from and about worship practices in a variety of times and places and denominational contexts.   I find students and seminar participants to be so willing and eager to learn about every facet of worship ministry–theological, historical, sociological, and psychological–in both theoretical and practical ways.”

About the author

Alumni Director, Practicum Professor, and DWS graduate.

