Listen to part one from Session 7 of the seminar, “Ever and Always a Teacher: Worship Ministry, Christian Formation, and Everyday Discipleship” by John Witvliet, held January 13-14, 2014 at IWS.
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Session 7A: Strategies for Teaching about Worship (14:47)
John Witvliet reflects on the January 2014 seminar experience at IWS:
“I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the learning community at IWS. I find it to be a place of great concern for the flourishing of the church, a deep desire to learn and grow, and a counter-cultural passion for learning from and about worship practices in a variety of times and places and denominational contexts. I find students and seminar participants to be so willing and eager to learn about every facet of worship ministry–theological, historical, sociological, and psychological–in both theoretical and practical ways.”