Soul Care – June 2019 Chapel Series

Vice President for Spiritual Life Dr. Darrell Harris and Associate Chaplains Dr. Nancy Nethercott and Rev. Dr. Walter Brown presented a series on Soul Care for the June 2019 on-campus intensive.

The Missing Jewel

Darrell Harris introduces the June 2019 chapel series on Soul Care.

Soul Care — Jesus Style

Nancy Nethercott explains how to care for our souls in the way Jesus modeled.

The Spiritual Disciplines

Darrell Harris describes the Spiritual Disciplines and how they can help us care for our souls.

Well-Planted for the Healing of the Nations

Walter Brown discusses how we can be preparing for that time when the nations will be gathered in to “The Third Garden.”

Guarding the Heart

Darrell Harris explains the importance of being vigilant in the task of guarding one’s own heart as a key to maintaining spiritual vitality.

Flourishing in the Courts of the Lord

Nancy Nethercott recaps the week’s chapel series on “Soul Care” and charges the IWS Community to go forth and flourish in God’s grace.

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