For the June 2020 intensive session, IWS Chaplain Dr. Nancy Nethercott and Associate Chaplains Rev. Dr. Walter Brown and Rev. Juan López discussed six of the paradoxes of the Christian life.
IWS Chaplain Nancy Nethercott launches the June 2020 chapel series on the paradoxes of Christian living in this address delivered (virtually) Thursday, June 11, 2020. The scripture appointed for this morning was Habakkuk 3.
Rev. Dr. Walter M. Brown, Associate Chaplain, explains in this chapel address from Friday, June 12, 2020, how beauty, gladness, and praise help us live in the paradox of mourning and rejoicing. How is this even possible? The greatest paradox of all: a Living God who loves even us.
Chaplain Nancy Nethercott revisits the topic of the Japanese art form known as Kintsugi and shares a personal story demonstrating the way God brings about beauty through brokenness. This chapel address was originally delivered Saturday, June 13, 2020.
For morning chapel on Monday, June 15, 2020, Associate Chaplain and Admissions Director Juan López expounds upon the Lord’s command to St. Paul—and to us—to “be weak so that all of my divine treasures my unending grace and the perfection of my power can be with you and work for you and mold you to be like Christ.”
Dr. Darrell Harris, Dean Emeritus of the Chapel, shares on the interplay of ancient and future in Christian worship at morning chapel on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Our gathered worship unites past and future and brings them both into our present.
Be Still/Run
IWS Chaplain Dr. Nancy Nethercott concludes the week’s chapel series on the paradoxes of the Christian life by exploring the tension between “being with Jesus” and “doing with Jesus” on Wednseday, June 17, 2020