An Interview with Dr. Dan Sharp

Professor Dan Sharp Poised to publish Church Year Devotionals: 

For many years, Professor Dan Sharp has been providing daily devotionals via email during each season of the Church Year. Recently, Academic Dean Dinelle Frankland sat down with him to discuss this significant contribution to Christian formation all over the world.

Dinelle Frankland: When did you begin writing these devotionals, and what led you to do so?  

Dan Sharp: I started writing them for a “startup” church that I was working with in 2008 because I had a passion to help the church grow spiritually in some way. 

DF: How did you get your devotions disseminated to the congregation? 

DS: We printed the text of the devotions in a booklet that also included some artwork. In addition, I recommended CD’s in order to pair the thoughts with music.  They were produced at church during the Advent season. We began by printing 50 copies, which were gone immediately, and found ourselves printing more during second service. 

DF: What do you believe was the impetus for this interest?

DS: It seemed that people were looking for something with theological depth to guide them through this important season. A lot of commercially developed materials touched only the surface, but parishioners were eager to learn something they did not already know.  

DF: What became your formula for developing the devotionals? 

DS: I would start with a passage of scripture and develop its context. No matter whether it was found in the Old or New Testament, I sought a unity between the two, pointing out how Jesus related to the passage. Finally, I would seek a contemporary application, then ask the question, how will the reader live this passage out eschatologically? What difference will it make in the future?  

DF: Were you concerned with any obstacles in this format? 

DS: The outcome that I was seeking was the ability of the reader to encounter Christ through Scripture, but also through related music and written prayers. A secondary goal was to introduce people to centuries of church history, especially those who might be reluctant to pray written prayers. However, the music and prayers were embraced rather than becoming an obstacle. 

DF: How did the email versions of the devotions begin? 

DS: By 2015, the paper copies became too expensive for the church to print. My son suggested using email and set it up. This format exploded via word of mouth, and now the devotions are sent to over 1000 emails all over the world. What started out as Advent-Epiphany, added Lent-Easter, and eventually Pentecost. 

DF: How long does it take to write a devotion?  

DS: It depends on how familiar I am with a passage, but usually four or five hours each. In addition, searching for music is time-consuming, since I am familiar with and have an appreciation for a wide breadth of musical genres. I very seldom use a musical piece more than once. 

DF: Would you please share about your exciting new venture? 

DS: My first book, Advent to Ashes, is at the publisher and will hopefully be released by late January, 2025. It will be followed by three more volumes to finish out the Christian Year. Each book will work no matter on what date Advent begins or Easter falls, reaching all the way through 2075. It will also be published as an e-book, with QR codes that link to musical offerings.  

DF: As we close, can you describe your personal fulfillment in this journey? 

DS: I get email responses from those who have read the devotions, recounting how they have personally grown or been able to use them as curriculum for groups. Some people write back with questions, and I have even been asked if it is okay to translate the content into another language. 

Personally, I have grown in learning scripture and being convicted by it. I enjoy sitting and writing and cherish the time that has been granted to me to fulfill this calling. It is a joy to see this journey as a gift from God, a way that my study will carry on long into the future. 

DF: Why should I buy the book? How will it enhance my spiritual walk? 

DS: I am prayerful that it will deepen your relationship with Jesus. You will run into Him every day. You will be introduced to music from around the world, and prayers from centuries of Christians. My own spiritual mentor is 91 years old and an avid reader. He has told me that there are many times that he opened the devotional and read words that spoke to exactly what was going on in his life and what he needed for the day. 

DF: Thank you, Dan, for sharing this journey. Having been a subscriber for many years myself, I look forward to having these books in my personal library soon! 

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