Dec 30, 2024: An Epiphany In Me

Robert E. Webber

Bob recounts attending his first Epiphany service: “I realized that an epiphany was occurring for me right there in the service of worship. I was seeing the glory of God in Christ face-to-face. This manifestation, this epiphany, was not to be a thing of the past, something that happened two thousand years ago, but was to be an appearance now in the body of Christ assembled, an epiphany in me. I had been called from light to darkness, and now I was to be a manifestation of Christ. My part was to respond, to say yes to the calling, to commit my life to be a center through which the Epiphany could be extended beyond the crib to the world of my everyday experience.”

-Robert Webber, Ancient-Future Time: Forming Spirituality through the Christian Year (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2004), 79.

About the author

Alumni Director, Practicum Professor, and DWS graduate.

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