Don’t view the crucifixion as an angry God bringing retribution on recalcitrant humankind. No. Rather, this is God himself, in Christ, taking on himself our dysfunction, sin and rebellion, putting it to death on the cross, and bringing this fallen world back into the intensity of the divine life. This is God himself condescending to...Read More
On February 5, we received word that the Commission on Accrediting of ATS has granted IWS initial accreditation for the MWS and DWS degrees for the maximum period of …Read More
Disruptions. They often come uninvited, even unwanted, messing with routines, expectations, livelihoods and life itself. This year the pandemic alone brought extreme and unbearable disruptions to every aspect of life, from limited family gatherings to delayed weddings, from the fatigue of Zoom meetings to the devastation of empty seats at the family table.Read More
In a world gone wrong, our world, the coming of Christ in his truth, righteousness, justice, beauty, mercy and, above all, love, radically shakes things up.Read More
In these times we are summoned thankfully to yet rejoice in the seemingly insignificant blessings of God, those blessings which tempt to pass unacknowledged and even unnoticed.Read More
A bequest is a simple way to create a legacy which generously provides for the future of IWS and demonstrates love and support for the advancement of our mission.Read More
IWS President Dr. Jim Hart delivered the homily at Opening Convocation on June 10, 2020. In difficult times and discouraging spaces, how do we find our way to intimacy with God? How do we lead our congregations in worship with authenticity and Godly passion?Read More
In the June 2020 Presidential Address, Jim Hart reviews the IWS mission before delving into a theology of incarnation as it relates to social distancing and the Eucharist.Read More
“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasures is, there will your heart be also.” MATTHEW 6:20-21 “A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees...Read More
Dr. James R. Hart, President of IWS, spoke on the process of catechesis and the related rites of worship at the June 2019 Presidential Address.Read More
For many of us, perhaps most of us, the joy of Jesus’ resurrection fades as the vicissitudes of life obscure the celebration. In the midst of the day-to-day challenges of life, how do we rediscover and experience that Easter joy?Read More