Looking back on it now, I can’t believe we thought it was the right time for me to be starting the DWS program at IWS. After all, my wife and I had a two-year-old, and baby #2 was arriving in just one month. Our church was in the process of sending us out as part...Read More
You are warmly invited to attend a virtual commencement celebrating the graduating class of 2021. These 36 graduates, representing 8 nations and 4 continents, have brought worship renewal around the globe. Please join us in honoring them and their many accomplishments!Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings as of Summer 2021: The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings as of Summer 2020: The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings.Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings, as of Spring 2015: The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings as of Spring 2014: The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies...Read More
I would encourage you to pray about IWS, to think about it. And consider allowing the Lord to use it to form you into somebody that you might not even think you could be.Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies recognizes the importance of assessing how well students are doing in their degree programs, and how effective the Institute for Worship Studies is in the pursuit of its institutional goals. Here is the latest summary of our findings as of Spring 2013: The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies...Read More