Only Words. But So Much More. If I asked each alumnus to express in one word, and only one word, what their experience as an IWS student has meant to them, I think we would have a whole lot of words coming from 710 graduates! It would be exciting if we could see all these...Read More
Greetings from your chaplain as we celebrate 25 years of God’s faithfulness and goodness to IWS and each of us! Our chapel themes each day for the coming June session will be informed by our founder’s books on ancient-future sensibilities. Bob Webber’s heart for helping us understand God’s work through the lens of the BIG...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce and mourn the passing of alumnus Gary McCoy, a beloved member of the DWS Zeta class, who graduated in 2006. He served his entire ministerial career within the Southern Baptist tradition as an educator in theological schools both in Korea and at the Gateway Seminary in...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce and mourn the passing of alumnus Bob George, a member of the Theta class who graduated in 2007. Bob was a dedicated student and generous supporter of IWS. He graced IWS with the gift of a chalice and paten set that he crafted. Praise be to...Read More
The second of the three great Lenten practices is fasting. A few weeks ago IWS Director of Outreach Maureen Roe wrote an article that called us to the Lenten discipline of increased prayer, prayer that forms us into Christlikeness and increases our own compassion for the corporal and spiritual needs of those we encounter. This...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce the death of IWS professor emerita Dr. Doris Borchert. Dr. Borchert was the first professor of the MWS internship class, MWS 601, and taught that class from 2004 to 2011. Under her leadership, the internship class received a commendation from IWS’ accrediting association regarding its rigor and...Read More
IWS Alumni Dr. Wally Brath recently released an album of original songs and shared his story of how this jazz psalter came to be: Growing up in the Evangelical, Free-church tradition, I didn’t sing the Psalms regularly in worship. We would occasionally read portions of them on a Sunday morning or inadvertently sing a paraphrased...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce the death of IWS alumnus, Dr. Vernon Charter, DWS ’11 (Rho). He was Professor Emeritus of Music and Worship at Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, where he had served for 27 years. Born in China to missionary parents he earned degrees in historical musicology...Read More