MWS alumnus (Tau/2017). IWS changed my life by providing a solid theological foundation for me as a teacher of worship in Cuba and Ukraine. The impact on spiritual formation of the local congregant through worship renewal is priceless and has eternal implications. Therefore, it is with a great sense of gratitude that I am compelled to support IWS.
DWS alumnus (Beta 2/2015). I added IWS and my church as significant beneficiaries in my trust because I wanted to continue my contributions to Christianity and worship after I leave this earthly existence. I believe my tithe should continue regardless of where I reside, here or hereafter. I want to have an everlasting impact on God’s kingdom work.
DWS alumna (Sigma/2011). Pulling up to a car in front of me at a stop light, I smiled as I read the window decal declaring the occupants to be “Walt Life” people. Cute! I’ve seen “Salt Life” before and understood those folks to be lovers of sand, sea, and shore. Walt Life brought to mind memories of our own family’s adventures in the CA “Land” and the FL “World” that Mr. Disney had created. Then, with memories of Florida front and center in my mind, IWS recollections from my years there arose. Momentarily wishing I had a “Worship Life” decal, I began to consider again how my own awareness of the formative nature of worship grew as I studied the biblical and historical record of God’s people gathering in his presence.
Through the DWS curriculum, I was immersed in primary source texts I’d never before studied, modern authors outside of my own theological bubble, and experiences of on-campus worship that opened my eyes, ears, and heart anew to “Worship Life.” Through those years, I also came to understand more deeply the anthropological insight that our worship rites:
In other words, worship forms and fuels our lives in Christ! For that reason, the IWS vision for “forming servant leaders in Christian worship renewal” is a venture that my husband Gene and I want to support today and also when we one day join the throng of saints from “every nation, tribe, people, and language” (Rev 7:9).
Founding faculty member, DWS 703 Professor. At my mother’s funeral we read this verse, “My beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (I Cor. 15:58) My mother was a kindergarten teacher for years and my father was a farmer who taught Sunday School for years and led the singing at church. As a professor at IWS from the beginning, it seems fitting that this “teaching” mindset should continue even after all of us are gone. When they passed, we decided their legacy should continue. It brings me the greatest joy to know how thrilled they would be knowing that what they did their entire lives would assist students from all over the world to grow in faith and worship renewal. Their “labor on the farm was truly not in vain!”
DWS Alumnus (Kappa/2009). My wife and I chose to support IWS in our estate planning for several reasons, not the least of which being our belief in the school. My seminary education having been sorely lacking in worship studies, IWS offered exactly what I was looking for. And much more. The community, support, challenge and camaraderie have continued to bless me beyond my time as a student and we want to see that type of educational experience continue for generations to come. We encourage others to remember IWS in their estate planning.