Join us for inspiring and informative sessions on the ministry of worship. Main sessions will include modeling a variety of worship styles (traditional, contemporary, ancient), the use of media, great teaching and time for reflection. Workshop topics include: Using Technology to Our Advantage Employing Media Properly Designing Worship Services Building a Praise Team Theology of...Read More
It is significant, I think, to note that both the liturgical and contemporary movements, out of opposite histories, recognized the need to prioritize worship as the first thing—or at least, one of the firsts among several equals—that the church must be about. Worship is a first, because it is a source from which the mission...Read More
“This is a very special meal,” Yechiel said, “not only because you are here but because this meal represents the beginning of our Jewish Shabbal.” I listened intently as he continued. “It’s a day of rest, a time to remember our Creator and Redeemer, a time to be with the family, a time to establish...Read More