Dear Alumni, Students, Faculty, Staff, Trustees and Friends of IWS,
“…Christ is all, and in all.” (Col. 3:11)
A foundational doctrine of the Christian faith is that God created the universe from nothing (creatio ex nihilo). Everything that is, therefore, is created and sustained by him, although he is other than everything that is. Every creature, animate and inanimate, naturally occurring or man-made, finds its ultimate end in worshipping its Creator. We who bear the very image of God have the wonderful, mysterious, and profoundly humbling mission of leading the entire creation to reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ, helping all of creation voice its worship, singing and exulting in the wonder, beauty, goodness and truth of our loving Father. Is there any higher call? Is there any doubt that worship is at the very center of the divine life, the beating heart of the gospel? Alumni, students and faculty of the IWS community are answering the call to be leaders of Christian worship all over the world, inspiring others to proclaim, celebrate, sing and enact the good news of God in Jesus Christ, and with him be poured out for the life of the world.
With great thanks to God, the 2017-18 fiscal year was another strong year at IWS. Enrollment remained strong, as did giving to the IWS Fund and the Scholarship Funds. IWS has continued its global initiatives, with 32% of our current student body holding non-American passports. At June’s graduation, 40 students received their degrees and embraced the commission to serve God through renewed worship, bringing our total number of graduates to 559. Thanks be to God! The impact of IWS is steadily growing worldwide while remaining rooted in the theological perspectives, relational sensibilities and pedagogical philosophy of its founder, Bob Webber.
Please take a moment to read in this annual report how IWS students, alumni, faculty, staff, and trustees are making a real difference across the globe. The ongoing fulfillment of our mission is truly a team effort, a team that includes each of you. Many have taken their places in their support of our mission by investments of time, talent, treasure and prayer, and we are deeply grateful. We are relying on your generosity toward God and your prayers to continue building the foundation we need for a secure future. Your gifts are wisely invested in our students and the mission of our beloved institute.
My wife, Carol, and I would like to invite you to participate with us sacrificially and joyfully in the mission of our school. As Galatians 6:6 states: “One who is taught the Word must share all good things with the one who teaches.” IWS is good ground into which you may sow your seed of spiritual and financial generosity toward God. Together let us all thankfully, joyfully and generously support the Lord’s work in the supremely important and Kingdom-building activity of worship renewal through IWS.
Grace and peace to you,
James R. Hart, President
Dear Friends,
It is always a privilege to thank the many supporters who have come alongside IWS through prayers and generosity. Our work at IWS, providing a theological and practical foundation for the renewal of Christian worship, is so important in the life of the church worldwide. Last session I attended a practicum where our students applied what they learned into a worship experience. It was wonderful to see the classroom learning transformed into practice! The scholarship and creativity of our faculty and students is inspiring!
IWS continues to focus on the biblical, historical, theological, and cultural lenses of worship in an ancient-future context. We are also working on a second accreditation, adding membership in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS), which will result in another significant milestone for the school. Our international presence and influence is growing through the GROW Center and through the many international students who travel to Florida twice a year.
So thank you for standing with us. Your continued, faithful gifts and prayers are such an encouragement to us as we seek to continue IWS’s tradition of excellence in worship studies.
In His service,
John Lindsell, Chair, Board of Trustees
D.W.S. Alumna (2011)
D.W.S. Alumnus (2013)
M.W.S. Student
M.W.S. Alumna (2017)
D.W.S. Alumna (2014)
D.W.S. Student
Thanks be to God for those who give of their prayers, time, talent, and treasure! We would be unable to continue in our mission without your generous giving.
Members of the Legacy Giving Circle have committed to honor IWS through endowed giving and/or estate planning.
The IWS library adds 270 linear feet of shelf space to accommodate expanding collection made possible by donors. Dr. Melva Costen, long-time board member, is awarded Trustee Emerita status.
The local community marks the season of Advent with IWS at our annual Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols.
IWS welcomes 27 new students, including our first student from mainland China.
Dr. Lou Kaloger joins the faculty to teach MWS 503: Contextualization, Spirituality, and Christian Worship.
Dr. Donna Hawk-Reinhard preaches at Opening Convocation.
Former professor Dr. Carl Park returns to facilitate the Contextualized Worship and the Mission of God in the Local Church Seminar.
A representative from the Association of Theological Schools observes a portion of the on-campus intensive and meets with members of the IWS community.
GROW Center Co-Directors Dr. Frank Fortunato and Dr. Nancy Nethercott introduce plans for India projects during Calvin Symposium on Worship.
Dr. Fortunato joins an International Council of Ethnodoxologists (ICE) teaching team to teach on issues related to worship and the church in India.
Dr. Nethercott travels to Norway and Poland, teaming up with alumni Dr. Rune Rasmussen (2015) and Dr. Przemek Bogdan (2014) to lead a workshop on missional worship. Dr. Nethercott and former IWS professor Paul Neeley join a ministry team in Kosovo and Albania for two weeks, serving as biblical worship trainer and ethnomusicologist, respectively, resulting in 20 new songs for worship in the Albanian language.
IWS co-sponsors the National Worship Leader Conference in Nashville. Dr. Jim Hart teaches several workshops on worship.
IWS welcomes 22 new students, including our first students from Egypt and Vietnam. Dr. Reggie Kidd preaches at Opening Convocation. IWS celebrates the graduation of 40 new alumni and awards Dr. Hans Boersma the Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa. For the first time in IWS history, real-time audio and video of the Commencement service is broadcast over the Internet. Dr. Boersma preaches at the Commencement service, then remains on campus to facilitate the Enchanted Worship: Sacramental Ontology and Christian Liturgy Seminar.
The board welcomes new trustee Dr. Kai Ton Chau, a 2011 alumnus. The Association of Theological Schools accepts IWS as an Associate Member. IWS will work toward acquiring Accredited Member status over the next several years.
For the year, Charitable Giving receipts totaled $304,638 (Unrestricted, Restricted, and Gifts-in-Kind). Fiscal Year Revenue totaled $923,323 and Total Expenditures were $873,057.
We cannot say it enough: the ongoing work of forming servant leaders in Christian worship renewal worldwide depends upon generous gifts from our community. Please consider how you may participate with us in the renewal of the Church through a financial contribution and click an option below.
Set up a recurring donation by electronic check or credit card (select “Give this amount monthly” on the form and adjust the term length as desired).
Donate to the IWS Fund or Scholarship Fund today by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, or electronic check (or make a one-time gift by other means).
Are you among the 70% of Americans without an up-to-date will?
Donate by check (mailed to IWS, 4001 Hendricks Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32207), cash (in the office only, please), or credit card or electronic check (online)
Automated monthly giving (by credit card or eCheck, or through your own bank's online bill-pay feature)
Matching corporate gifts
Gifts of securities/stocks
Electronic transfer of funds
Planned (legacy) giving
Leader $10,000 & up
Benefactor $5,000–$9,999
Partner $2,500–$4,999
Investor $1,000–$2,499
Supporter $500–$999
Contributor $100–$499
Donor up to $100
We encourage the members of our community to employ long-term estate planning to maximize their legacy to their loved ones and to their charitable interests. We also strongly urge them to seriously consider IWS as one of their priority charitable interests. While the annual support of the IWS community is absolutely crucial to the fulfillment of our sustainable mission, deferred support like Estate Planning can leave a Kingdom legacy with an impact that spans generations. This kind of gift is the single most significant act of generosity toward God that most of us will ever perform.
For more information on this or any way of supporting IWS, call the office at 800-282-2977.
Set up a recurring donation by electronic check or credit card (select “Give this amount monthly” on the form and adjust the term length as desired).
Donate to the IWS Fund or Scholarship Fund today by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, or electronic check (or make a one-time gift by other means).
How much thought have you given to what is potentially the single-most generous gift you'll make?