For the latest on our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and impacts to the student experience, please visit our COVID-19 Response page.
Only a third of weekly churchgoers connect with God regularly. Our founder, Bob Webber, understood worship to be the key to the renewal of the Church.
IWS equips Christian leaders—musicians, pastors, teachers, missionaries, and others—to lead God's people through the renewal of worship.
You've already been equipped to lead music, preach, or teach. Let IWS train you to lead your people through renewal by looking deeper than questions of worship style. The IWS experience itself goes beyond mere information to the spiritual formation and renewal of our students.
Ancient-Future is about more than combining old and new. The Church today must study the Biblical foundations and historical development of worship in order to join with the one Church of the ages, looking forward toward the day when all things will be made new. May God be continually renewing us and our worship.
IWS exists to form servant leaders in Christian worship renewal, regardless of their theological tradition.
We have no denominational affiliation and our students and alumni represent more than 100 different denominations.
Nor is our diversity merely theological: Students from over 30 different countries have matriculated, and on average ⅓ of our incoming classes come from outside the U.S.A.
You will be equipped to work for worship renewal within your denominational context, and challenged to think critically about applying what you learn in your own specific context. The testimony of our graduates proves immersion in our diverse community provides clarity for our students' own beliefs and generosity toward those holding other points of view.
IWS is more affordable and more flexible.
Our degree programs are designed so you won't need to leave your ministry context.
Come to campus one or two times per year for a one-week intensive and return home to apply what you are learning. We keep overhead costs low so tuition remains reasonable, and offer several financial aid programs.
Our faculty is world-class, but we also value our students' experience as practitioners and teachers. You can trust our academic integrity, because IWS is accredited by ABHE and holds Associate Member status with ATS.