Audio files from the January 2013 Chapel series entitled It’s Alive, taught by Darrell A. Harris, are posted below. You may access additional audio files, and audio files from previous chapel sessions.
Use the embedded player to listen on this page, or right-click on a track title to download and save it for later.
Chapel 1–The Hills Are Alive, and Everything Else Is Too! (Ps 148) [11:00]
Chapel 2–Problems With Angels (Lk 10:1-20) [10:50]
Chapel 3–Spirits in a Material World? Material in a Spiritual World? What? (Gal 4:1-11; Col 2:8-15) [Not currently available]
Chapel 4–The Cloud of Witnesses (Heb 11:1-12:2) [8:50]
Chapel 5–The Cosmic Church (Heb 12:14-29) [7:17]
Chapel 6–If It All Really is Alive, Then What? (Is 11:1-16; Heb 8:12-27) [11:52]