Listen to recordings from the June 2014 On-Campus Intensive Session: the Opening Convocation sermon by the Rev’d Dr. Dennis Andrews, the Presidential Address by Dr. Jim Hart, the Commencement Sermon by Rev. Ted Schroder, and the sermon from the Service of Healing and Communion by Lisa Waites, DWS student.
Opening Convocation Sermon: A Story Within a Story? (27:51)
The Rev’d Dr. Dennis Andrews, Command Chaplain, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL
Presidential Address: “We believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic church”: The Role of Historical Reflection in Worship Education (25:33)
Dr. James Hart, IWS President
Commencement Sermon: The Audience in Worship (16:45)
Rev. Ted Schroder, Pastor, Amelia Plantation Chapel, Amelia Island, FL
Service of Healing and Communion Sermon: Cleansed, Healed, Forgiven (36:42)
Lisa Waites, DWS Candidate
Related links:
Worship bulletins from June 2014 services
June 2014 Chapel Series: “Ruinous: The Event and Aftermath of Pentecost” by Darrell A. Harris