May 24, 2021: Interpreting Reality

Robert E. Webber

The Christus Victor message provides the Christian with an interpretation of all reality. It speaks to the origins of all things; it deals with the problem of evil; it affirms a God who is involved in the created order; it answers the human quest for meaning; it provides a hope for the future. This message is the mystery of “God . . . reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them” (2 Cor. 5:19). This mystery is the message, the good news. . . . God has become involved in the creation and God will restore the creation God’s way.

-Robert Webber, Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999), 61.

About the author

Alumni Director, Practicum Professor, and DWS graduate.

