Oct 4, 2021: Traditions of Worship

Robert E. Webber

From the ancient church, we derive the emphasis on the content and the fourfold order; from the Reformation, we obtain the emphasis on the Word; from free church history, we receive the Christocentric emphasis; and from the younger contemporary churches of our time, we inherit the sense of the Spirit and of intimacy.

-Robert Webber, Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999), 99.

About the author

Alumni Director, Practicum Professor, and DWS graduate.
2 Responses
  1. olusolaeniolawun

    Exactly and succinctly put!
    The intimacy and contemporary worship music traditions are interwoven and have become the mainstay of the deeper worship experience in worship convergences. However, the previous worship traditions are very much relevant in the present, otherwise we soon become disillusioned with empty emotions and superfluous knowledge of God, which negates the true essence of Christian worship.

    Olusola Eniolawun

