A live discussion with the author
The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services, 2nd Edition
Saturday, April 2, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. EDT
IWS Interactive Webinars
Our webinars are LIVE Microsoft Teams sessions that include a short presentation by the author of a recently published book followed by a discussion based on your questions. They are designed to provide ongoing education, worship resources, and inspiration for worship planners and leaders.
IWS webinars are offered free of charge, but each registrant must purchase the author’s book in advance of the event in order to facilitate focused discussion.

Constance Cherry provides worship leaders with credible blueprint plans for successfully designing worship services that foster meaningful conversation with God and the gathered community. More than 150 colleges and seminaries around the world have used or currently use the first edition as a required text.
In this new edition, each chapter has been substantially updated and revised, including illustrations, key terms, examples, technological references, and suggested resources for further reading. A new appendix on live-streamed worship is included.
Examples of emerging topics warranting new material not found in the first edition include:
- the increasing globalization of worship
- the increasing secularization of worship
- worship during a pandemic
- the relationship between evangelism and worship
- the relationship between local church worship and worshiping in other venues
“Once we use the word ‘worship’ to apply to everything we do, we can end up concluding that it all means the same thing and fulfills the same purposes.”
— Constance Cherry

Constance Cherry is a faculty member of The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies where she teaches in the Doctor of Worship Studies program. She served as Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry in the School of Theology and Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University for sixteen years. She is an experienced worship leader, musician, and pastor, having served in local church ministry and academic teaching positions for more than forty years. Constance is the author of six books used widely in the church and the academy and translated into multiple languages.
Worship Architect LIVE Microsoft Teams meeting
on Saturday, April 2, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. EDT
Use this free webinar as a tool for discipling and team building in your ministry. Plan a group participation event. Consider registering and providing books for all the members of your ministry team.
After you have registered you will be sent the login link for the webinar.
Register for the Constance Cherry Webinar
Future IWS Webinar
Lester Ruth and Swee Hong Lim
A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship:
Understanding the Ideas that Reshaped the Protestant Church
Saturday, May 21, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Pre-Register for Lester Ruth and Swee Hong Lim Webinar
2022 IWS Worship Seminar
Dr. Edith Humphrey
Mediation and the Immediate God:
Our Mutual Calling in the Church and in the World
Monday-Tuesday, June 27-28 at IWS
Details and registration for Edith Humphrey Seminar