Only Words. But So Much More. If I asked each alumnus to express in one word, and only one word, what their experience as an IWS student has meant to them, I think we would have a whole lot of words coming from 710 graduates! It would be exciting if we could see all these...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce and mourn the passing of alumnus Gary McCoy, a beloved member of the DWS Zeta class, who graduated in 2006. He served his entire ministerial career within the Southern Baptist tradition as an educator in theological schools both in Korea and at the Gateway Seminary in...Read More
The Institute for Worship Studies is sad to announce and mourn the passing of alumnus Bob George, a member of the Theta class who graduated in 2007. Bob was a dedicated student and generous supporter of IWS. He graced IWS with the gift of a chalice and paten set that he crafted. Praise be to...Read More
The purpose of the Alternative Response to the Word is to communicate our response to God as a result of having heard and received God’s word in worship. It is an acknowledgement that we have truly listened to what God spoke to the community through the Scriptures and the sermon, and that as a result...Read More
The Story of God. That was the recurring mantra for Robert Webber in his last months and years as he relentlessly worked for worship renewal in the 21st century. He was passionate about re-introducing the Christian community to the necessity of worship narrating God’s story of creation, Fall, redemption, and re-creation. Bob wanted us all...Read More
The following is the text from a session Connie presented at the Symposium on Worship at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, January 2006. Session Description: How engaged are the worshipers in your congregation? Do they tend to function as observers or active participants? Learn how to design worship services that invite dynamic participation. Introduction...Read More
Learn how to re-think the meaning of blended worship. No more quotas of hymns and choruses! Instead, learn practical ways to add fullness and depth to your worship by integrating a wide variety of worship expressions, both old and new.Read More