The DWS 704P Practicum class of the January 2015 session led a Eucharistic Healing service of worship on the night of Tuesday, January 13. Printed Order of Worship Sermon: Draw Near to Christ, Our Light [Sam Horowitz] Offertory: The Light of God in Jesus Comes [Words & Music: Michael Francis Smith]* This post will be...Read More
Course readings change over time, and IWS alumni are always eager to get updates on the teaching resources currently being used and recommended by IWS faculty.Read More
A lot of information from our June 2013 Intensive Session have been posted on the website in the last month and we want to make sure nobody missed any of them. Photos Gallery of the June 2013 Intensive Session Photos from Worship in a Karaoke Culture, the June 2013 Worship Seminar with Dr. Len Sweet...Read More
Look for older IWS worship resources (like worship bulletins from Opening Convocation, Commencement and DWS 704 Practicum Healing/Communion services) that don’t appear here? We’re still moving some resources over from the old website; in the meantime try our legacy site.Read More