Here are the six “Wonderful Words of Life” chapel talks from the June 2021 on-campus intensive session. Rev. Dr. Nancy Nethercott, IWS Chaplain, was joined by Associate Chaplain Rev. Dr. Walter M. Brown, MWS Professor Rev. Dr. Lou Kaloger, and Academic Dean Dr. Dinelle Frankland. Recordings of the complete services can be found on our...Read More
For the June 2020 intensive session, IWS Chaplain Dr. Nancy Nethercott and Associate Chaplains Rev. Dr. Walter Brown and Rev. Juan López discussed six of the paradoxes of the Christian life.Read More
For the January 2020 on-campus intensive, IWS Chaplain Dr. Nancy Nethercott and other speakers presented a series on the way God works through time to form his people.Read More
Darrell Harris, Nancy Nethercott, andWalter Brown presented a series on Soul Care for the June 2019 on-campus intensive. Here is the audio and video.Read More
[Video & audio included!] The June 2018 chapel series focused on the IWS mission statement: Forming servant leaders in Christian worship renewal and education through graduate academic praxis, grounded in biblical, historical, theological, cultural and missiological reflection in community. Talks were led by IWS Vice President for Spiritual Life/Dean of the Chapel Dr. Darrell Harris...Read More
Vice President for Spiritual Life Dr. Darrell Harris and Associate Chaplains Dr. Nancy Nethercott and Dr. Walter Brown explored various concepts relating to creation and creativity in worship during their chapel addresses at the January 2018 on-campus intensive session. You can find additional video resources from this session—including music and scripture presentations—on our YouTube channel....Read More
IWS Chaplain Rev. Dr. Nancy Nethercott, along with Associate Chaplains Rev. Juan Lopez and Rev. Dr. Walter Brown, delivered these six homilies to the community during the January 2022 intensive session.Read More
I had the honor and privilege of speaking at Johnson University’s chapel service on October 11. Continuing their series titled “Because of Your Participation in the Gospel,” I addressed how we can intensify our participation in the Gospel by partaking of the Eucharistic body of Christ in order to become the ecclesial body of Christ,...Read More
VP of Spiritual Life Darrell Harris reviews the June 2017 on-campus session and concludes the series “The Life Eucharistic: Traveling the Big Thank-You Highway.” Audio: June 2017 Chapel SeriesRead More
IWS Associate Chaplain Walter Brown gives the 5th installment of the June 2017 chapel series “The Life Eucharistic: Traveling the Big Thank-You Highway.” His themes address healing, thanksgiving, unity, and diversity for the Kingdom of God and his people. A presentation of Luke 17:11-19 in Sea Island Creole (Gullah) was presented just before Dr. Brown’s...Read More
IWS Vice President of Spiritual Life Darrell Harris gives the 4th installment of the June 2017 chapel series “The Life Eucharistic: Traveling the Big Thank-You Highway.” Audio: June 2017 Chapel SeriesRead More
IWS Associate Chaplain Nancy Nethercott gives the 3rd installment of the June 2017 chapel series “The Life Eucharistic: Traveling the Big Thank-You Highway.” How can the Japanese art of Kintsugi illuminate or illustrate for us the Eucharistic life characterized by being Taken, Blessed, Broken, and Given Out? Audio: June 2017 Chapel SeriesRead More